Wednesday, 29 February 2012

My Second and Third Exhibition Pieces

This image will represent my second exhibit which is a soundscape called: A Paris Metro Journey

This is my third exhibit piece which is a render of my 3D Character 'Sonny' 

 I was hoping to be able to show the animation for this piece but as it is a third year project and time is going so quickly I decided to stick with a still image.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

It's all about me...

I have decided that as part of my personal branding I would like a logo that represents ME! After giving it a few thoughts and ideas I have decided to go with the basic image of an elephant.

From since I can remember I have always regarded the symbol of an elephant with it's trunk raised as good luck (let's face it, in this job market I will be needing all the luck I can get). Before I confirmed my choice I did a little research and came to realise that elephants are also regarded as symbols of strength and determination, these words were all power words that I had chosen to describe myself so it couldn't have worked out any better!

Thursday, 16 February 2012

The Chosen Exhibition Theme

As a class it was decided that the Graphics Teams exhibition theme would be best to pursue. This theme was 'Retro'. The theme had a lot of scope for providing a great exhibition and now that it has been decided we are able to continue with designs and advertising the event.

As members of the exhibition team Steve and I were delegated the task of contacting newspapers for support in advertising. Steve provided me with a mock letter which could be sent by email to the newspapers. Polly also gave me some graphics so that I was able to give the email some life.

This was then forwarded to several newspapers, I have yet to here back from any but will chase the email with a phone call.

Friday, 10 February 2012

My Exhibit Work

After considering what I would like to exhibit there are only a few pieces which I would feel comfortable displaying to future employers.

The first piece would be from my Digital Imaging Module:

The second piece would be from my Advanced Sound Techniques Module where I produced a 3 minute soundscape for a Paris Metro Journey

The third piece will hopefully be my animation from my third year module 3D Character Animation.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

The Exhibition Theme Presentation

As part of the exhibition team we all had to decide upon a theme to present to the rest of the groups in the module. Our group met up to decide on a final theme from what we had all come up with. A few ideas that had been suggested were:

  • Film
  • The 80s
  • A Charity
We created a table for each theme and decided on the pros and cons. Our chosen theme was Film. We then delegated tasks to individuals within the group to contribute towards the presentation. I was asked to research lighting possibilities for the theme. It was decided that Tracey would gather the information and present it with Helen.